Centro de la Imagen

Av 28 de Julio 815
18 LIM Miraflores

The Image Center opened in July 1999 with a very clear objective: to train professionals that challenge established ways of seeing and doing photography. Bringing the experience of seven years of a pioneer in teaching photography in Peru, as was the Instituto Antonio Gaudí school, we decided to generate different spaces for the dissemination and discussion of the image.

These two decades of teaching experience, and given the drastic changes in the production, distribution and consumption of communication in the world, have brought a number of changes and redefinitions of what the image is and how to teach it.

Communicate today for audiovisual media is easier than ever, and send or receive a photo or text our cell phone is a thing of every day. Print, television or Web media bombard us with hundreds of images. However, the possibility of transmitting information, almost infinite, becomes your worst enemy; It makes it invisible.

Today it is essential to visually literate. Train professionals to consume and produce visual communication with strong historical and conceptual knowledge and professional management techniques and communication technology tools. It is essential that our imaging professionals have a critical attitude and the ability to discern and take a position on the contents and forms of visual communication.

Machine translated from source: http://www.centrodelaimagen.edu.pe/nosotros/

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