Krijn Taconis (Rotterdam, 1918 - Canada, 1979) was a Dutch photographer. He was the first Dutchman to become a member of Magnum.
Taconis made his first photographs during the Second World War, as a maker of false documents for the Resistance. He also worked for the Underground Camera, a group of Dutch photographers who recorded the German occupation in secret.
With two friends, Ad Windig and Carel Blazer, he escaped after their arrest in 1943 on the brush with death. Taconis was released for lack of evidence. The two others were found innocent.Taconis then got fake papers, so he could be the guide of stranded allied pilots. Through France, he led them to England. He quit this dangerous work after several other employees were arrested by the Germans and was therefore too risky work.
In 1950 Taconis was admitted to Magnum, the then three year old photo agency of a group of around war photographers Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson. However late 1950 he was on speaking terms with Magnum that publication of his war reports from Algeria would have stopped in France. In 1959 he emigrated to Canada and changed his name to Kryn Taconis.