Credit given to Pramod Pushkarna in The World & I (Feb 1987) "Terror in India" article (misspelled as Pushkarwa). A collection of Pushkarna's work is on the Magnum Photos website at https://pro.magnumphotos.com/CS.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2K1HZO4AGCPE90
Possibly the deputy chief photographer of India Today (1978-Apr 2003). Born on 2nd August 1948, Pramod Pushkarna was also the Staff photographer in National Herald, from 1973-78; Photo Officer, National Museum, from 1970-73; and Part time photographer with daily “Adhikar " from 1967-70, when he was a student.
His pictures were exhibited in various group shows. His first Solo Exhibition of 30 Black & White and Color photographs held at the Galerie Romain Rolland at Alliance at New Delhi in April 2007. Over the years, he has covered, with distinction, militancy along the Indian borders, in the North East, Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir , as well as the Sri Lankan conflict. From Nellie massacre in Assam , Blue Star to Black Thunder in Punjab, to the Hazrat Bal seige and Charar-e-Sharief debacle, Siachen to Kargil conflict, the Morvi flood, Uttarakand Earthquakes... Pushkarna was the first Indian photographer to have entered Pak Occupied Kashmir (POK) and to record the lives of soldiers at the Siachen glacier. Human interest photo features, environment related stories, sports events, and pictorial capturing of the country’s shifting social, political and cultural scenario over the last three decades, also form a substantial part of his portfolio.