Pinkhassov's interest in photography began while he was still at school. After studying cinematography at the VGIK (the Moscow Institute of Cinematography), he went on to work at the Mosfilm studio and then as a set photographer.
In 1978 Pinkhassov joined the Moscow Union of Graphic Arts and obtained the status of an independent artist. His work was noticed by the prominent Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, who invited Pinkhassov to the set to make a reportage about his film ‘Stalker’ (1979).
Pinkhassov moved permanently to Paris in 1985. He joined Magnum Photos in 1988. He works regulary for the international press, particularly for Geo, Actuel and the New York Times Magazine. His book, Sightwalk, explores individual details, through reflections or particular kinds of light, often approaching abstraction.
1971 Cinematography, Superior Institute of Cinematography (VGIK),
Moscow, Russia
1995 Bourse de la Ville de Paris
1993 World Press Photo (artistic category award)
1993 Society of News Design Award of Excellence, USA
2008 Just light like, Centre of Contemporary Art, Winzavod, Moscow
2007 L'Image d'Après, Cinémathèque Française, Paris, France
1988 Center of Photography, Geneva, Switzerland
1988 Asie Centrale - Galerie Picto, Paris, France
1987 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
1979 Maison des Hommes de Lettres, Moscow, Russia
1979 Tour Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn, Estonia
2006 Nordmeer, Mare, Germany
1998 Sightwalk, Phaidon Press, UK
Photo © Gueorgui Pinkhassov/Magnum Photos